Our Services NHS Professionals Academy Patient Safety Courses Developing an organisational 'Just Culture'

Developing an organisational ‘Just Culture’

  • PSIRF requirements for patient and staff involvement
  • Organisational learning culture
  • Strategies to improve staff and patient involvement
  • Developing an effective communication strategy as part of any patient safety investigation
  • Developing strategies for disseminating information and learning across the organisation
  • Understand how to develop a communication strategy to involve stakeholders in the investigative process
  • Stakeholder analysis
  • Change theories and how to apply them within a system
  • System leadership theory
  • Systems and processes required to monitor and manage change
  • Strategies within the system which will reduce risk of further harm
  • Interviewing techniques to support the investigative process
  • Difficult conversations with confidence
  • Apologies within the context of patient safety investigations.


Find out more

For more information about our Patient Safety courses, download our brochure.

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The PSIRF training provided by NHSP Academy for our Board and our investigators was very credible. The trainers all had senior experience within the NHS and were able to apply theory into real-life examples for us. We have already recommended them to other providers locally as we were so impressed.
Claire Rudkin, Head of Patient Safety, University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust

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Contact our Academy team today for a consultation to discuss your specific education and training needs.

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