Our Services NHS Professionals Academy Management and Leadership Courses Developing Your Team

Developing Your Team


With the increasing pressures within the NHS, coupled with resource challenges, developing existing teams is fundamental to delivering the service. So how do you take them to the next level?

Leaders need to take a more nuanced approach to understanding their teams and individuals. This pragmatic programme will help leaders and managers to reflect on their own style to inspire and develop others.


Who is it for?

Any manager or leader who wishes to take their team to the next level of development and performance. Similarly, anyone who wishes to review and enhance their own communication style to create a more inclusive, values-based team environment.


Course Objectives:

By the end of this programme, participants will be able to:

  • Implement a management style most appropriate to developing teams
  • Communicate more effectively with team members
  • Provide development feedback to team members
  • Provide structured coaching to develop individual capability
  • Present ideas concisely with benefits related to team needs


Course Content:

  • Leadership and management styles
  • Understanding your team’s communication preferences – using Insights Discovery® individually tailored management reports
  • Flexing your communication style to appeal to individual needs
  • Developing a participative management style to aid development
  • Facilitation techniques for use in team and individual meetings
  • Setting clear objectives to delegate effectively
  • Providing motivational and developmental feedback
  • Setting learning objectives for individuals
  • Developing the 3 “Cs” – capability, confidence, and commitment
  • Coaching skills – performance and developmental
  • Dealing with underperformance and conduct issues
  • Presenting your ideas with benefits that will appeal to your team
  • Self-assessment of learning and development needs


Indicative Duration:

3 days

Get in touch

Contact our Academy team today for a consultation to discuss your specific education and training needs.

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