Allocate on arrival


Allocate On Arrival at the Northern General Hospital and Royal Hallamshire Hospital


This is an exciting opportunity for you to gain experience in other specialities while working flexibly by choosing your own shift patterns.  All RN and CSW shifts are incentivised and paid top of band with the difference to be paid at the end of the month. Shifts are available across all days, nights, and other times of the day.


We are looking to support additional hours across the weekend and Bank Holidays, and any offer of hours worked will be accepted. These will be amended by the Duty Matron when they authorise your timesheet.


On arrival to the site of choice, you will liaise with the Duty Matron who will allocate your shift location. Please see the note on the shift when booking via My:Bank to provide you with information on how to contact the Duty Matron on arrival to the shift.


For Northern General Hospital: Upon arrival, please use the phone near WHSmith/Huntsman reception desk to call the switchboard (press 0). Ask them to bleep the Duty Matron and they will allocate you to a ward.


For Royal Hallamshire Hospital: Upon arrival, please report to the Porters Lodge, which is on the left as you enter the main entrance and ask them to bleep the Duty Matron. They will then allocate you to a ward.


You will gain experience of various clinical environments while showcasing professional adaptability, clinical leadership, and reliability. 


If you would like any further information, or can only work part of a shift, please contact us at or call us on 0333 014 4287.


