Visiting times

Visiting times for most wards are between 11am and 8pm. Some wards have specific visiting times which are detailed on this page.

Relatives and friends of patients are welcome to visit most wards any time between 11.00am and 8pm. Please be aware that we sometimes ask visitors to leave wards during patient meal times.

Maternity ward

For the maternity ward, partners and the patient’s other children (under 14’s) can visit between 10am and 8pm. Other family and friends are able to visit between 2pm and 4:30pm or 6.30pm and 8pm.

Children’s ward

For the children’s ward, the ward operates open visiting (24/7) for parents, and 12.30pm to 4.30pm or 5.30pm to 7pm for others.

Intensive care (ITU)

For the intensive therapy unit, visiting times for close relatives are between 12pm and 2pm or 4pm until 8pm.

Visiting times special arrangements

Seriously ill patients can be visited at anytime and we can sometimes arrange for close relatives to stay overnight.

Any visitor needing to visit outside the scheduled visiting times will only be allowed to do so in exceptional circumstances.  This should be arranged with ward staff in advance.
