Some staff roles working at Berkshire Healthcare will be asked to complete RIO & PMVA training.
RIO is an electronic patient record system which helps to provide a holistic picture of patient’s in hospital care.
Please find training instructions below for workers with/without ESR. Upon completing the training, we will activate your smartcard which will allow you to access the RIO system.
To obtain a smartcard staff will need to email: rio.support@berkshire.nhs.uk or call 0300 365 2438 and choose option 2 and request an appointment.
PMVA stands for Prevention and Management of Violence and Aggression.
This training aims to:
This training also includes Breakaway Techniques and PSTS so you do not need to book onto these courses separately.
Email LearningDevelopment@berkshire.nhs.uk to get enrolled.
Please note: You must work a minimum of 4 shifts per month to be eligible for PMVA training.
For further information about training please speak with your local NHSP team!